Mahogany hair is one of the shades that many women choose to change the color of their hair. We show you photographs that can be inspiring. For further details, go here: mahogany hair color
Dark mahogany hair suits women with medium or dark skin best . However, those with very light skin can make them look too pale. This color also suits women with green eyes very well because it brings out a lot of color.
Here is a photo gallery for you to be inspired by dark mahogany hair tones :
However, the light mahogany color is the one that best suits women with a lighter complexion. It also suits light eyes very well and it is always a much more natural color than dark mahogany hair. Another idea is to make your hair darker mahogany and add some highlights or highlights in a lighter shade.
Here is a photo gallery for you to be inspired by light mahogany hair tones :
The auburn hair enters the range of redheads but with a clear difference, the tone of pulling hair is a rich red color that defines orange coppery tones. Mahogany, we could say, that combines shades of brown and red.
There are stylists who define certain hair colors based on the time of year . The reason that depending on the season a certain hair tone is recommended, is because the skin tone also varies. For example, mahogany hair would be the ideal coloration (in dye, color bath or highlights) for the winter, summer and spring summer months when the skin usually has a tan or semi-tan tone, for very light skin tones it is better Check with a stylist so they can determine if it's too dark.
For those who want a more copper than mahogany hair , it is important to know that it tends to look better on those that are natural-toned blondes, since in brown and dark colors it can be difficult. In turn, it is a color tone that tends to favor those with a light skin tone.
If you are going to change your hair color to a mahogany tone for the first time , you have to be very sure of what you want to do and how that particular tone can be so that you do not take a great impact when you see it.
First of all, we recommend that you discuss it with a stylist so that they can recommend the appropriate shade of mahogany dye that would best suit you depending on your hair tone and your complexion type. It is important to take these two variables into account because they will be the ones that directly influence the result.
If you are not completely sure of the step you are going to take, you can always start with some highlights in mahogany tones to see yourself with this color. You can choose different shades of mahogany depending on the color of your hair and the results you are looking for, whether you want them to give it more light or if you prefer highlights that go unnoticed or that generate a great contrast in your hair.
This could be a preliminary step so that later you can take the step of the dye with greater confidence and knowing which mahogany tone is the one that suits you the most.
If you are already clear about your tone, you can consider the option of including wicks of a lighter shade on your hair to give it more luminosity and volume. These are details that you can consult with the professional who is going to apply the dye so that you can see how it would look.
In the images that we have shown you throughout the article, and those that you can see later in the gallery, they show us how there are different shades of mahogany that you must evaluate to find the one you like the most.
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